We have moved offices! Our new address: The Cottage, Bustards Green, Lindsell, Dunmow, Essex, CM6 3QW

PHONE: 01277 374673
MON - FRI: 8AM - 5PM
SAT: 8 AM - 12 PM
SUN: Closed

Specialist Antiviral Sanitisation

We all experienced a tough time through the pandemic of 2020/21, and as people return to some degree of ‘normality’, employers will want to ensure the safety and protection of their staff.

We are qualified Nordic Chem Antimicrobial installers.

This product can be applied to almost any surface, which enables an entirely new level of protection in a broad range of facilities. The ingredients have been tested and found to be effective against a wide range of viruses and bacteria, creating an inhospitable surface for these dangerous micro-organisms, and keeping your facility safer for everyone.

The formula is a next generation water-based, long-term antimicrobial coating designed to inhibit the growth of micro-organisms for extended periods after application. The product has recently been tested against the human coronavirus and proven effective for up to 90 days. Once the coating has dried, it forms an invisible layer of “nanospikes” that penetrate and destroy cell membranes. Due to these “nanospikes”, the product’s process of elimination is mechanical instead of chemical.

This is extremely effective in both high and low traffic areas. The active ingredient in the coating is registered in over 25 countries across the world and is being approved in other countries at a very rapid rate. The coating can be applied to and bonds with almost any surface – porous or non-porous, metal, leather, fabric etc.

Please get in contact with us today for more information and to discuss further.